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Biofuels: EU weakens proposals to reduce indirect climate impact

"Fuel suppliers will not be responsible for emissions that biofuels create through forest clearance and peatland draining"

Category: Energy sources


Geoengineering: Canadian government 'knew of plans to dump iron into the Pacific'

"Chief executive of company responsible for controversial geoengineering test implicates several departments"

Category: Climate Change


World's biggest geoengineering experiment 'violates' UN rules

"Controversial US businessman's iron fertilisation off west coast of Canada contravenes two UN conventions"

Category: Climate Change


Environmental science agencies told to help oil firms drilling in polar regions

"Some of Britain's top environmental science agencies are being told to use their skills to help "de-risk" investment for UK oil companies in the polar regions."


Oil prices set to fall, forecasts IEA

"International Energy Agency predicts sluggish economic growth will help bring price down from $107 to $89 by 2017"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 141 to 145 out of 2977